Principal Complaints Commissioner

Frequently Asked Questions


What types of complaint can be dealt with?

The types of complaint are fairly wide-ranging. The complaint could be one of maladministration, dishonesty, discourtesy, failure to provide a service, refusal to answer a question, refusal to rectify a mistake, unhelpfulness or any conduct which leads to a member of the public feeling a sense of injustice. The complaint could be made regarding any of these matters in relation to the FIG, the FIDC, FLH, FIMCO, the FITB, the FIMNT or the Media Trust.

Who can make a complaint?

A complaint has to be made either by or on behalf of an aggrieved person who is resident in the Falkland Islands. A "person" can also be a registered company

How to make a complaint?

A complaint has to be in writing and must be delivered to the Complaints Commissioners or their Secretary.

Can I go straight to the Complaints Commissioner?

Yes, you must make your complaint to the Complaints Commissioners (or their Secretary) and they will decide if you have exhausted all internal complaints procedures first.

Are there any time limits for complaints?

Yes....there is a time limit of twelve months from the date of the matter giving rise to the reason for the complaint.

Need advice?

If you are not sure of how to proceed after reading the FAQ's, you can make contact with the PCC, but only in order to get advice on how to complain.

Are there any complaints that can't be dealt with by the PCC?

Yes, and these are very specific (refer to Schedule 2 of the Legislation on this site). Examples of the sort of matters that cannot be dealt with by the PCC are things like the proceedings of the Legislative Assembly, content of legislation, conduct of a member of the judiciary or any court proceedings. The PCC cannot influence these types of matters

What happens next if my complaint is accepted?

If the PCC decides that you have grounds for making a complaint, they will inform the Governor and the organisation(s) to which the complaint refers.  On completion of the investigation, a copy of the final report will be forwarded to the Governor.

Will my complaint be confidential?

Your complaint will be dealt with in private. It may be made public by the PCC either in part or in full. This would very much depend on whether or not it is in the public interest and your own wishes. There are of course certain people who will see the complaint and the report on it. You will receive a copy, as will the Governor, the Chief Executive and the principal officer of the department or body concerned. Anyone who is the subject of the complaint will also receive the report as will each person who is criticised in the report or adversely affected.

What happens once the PCC report has been made?

Once the report has been submitted by the PCC, it is considered by Executive Council. A response will be made by Executive Council within three months. Any recommendations made by the PCC will be considered and either accepted or not accepted with reasons given as to why not. If recommendations are accepted, then the response will also say how appropriate action will be taken.

Will this change the way things are done?

That will depend on what recommendations (if any) are accepted. If recommendations made by the PCC are accepted, then yes, the way things are done or the way in which a matter is handled will be changed. The PCC acts completely independently of the Government and also the Judiciary. The aim is to have an independent view that can be helpful not only to the complainant but also to the government body concerned.